The last couple of days have been very busy! We traveled to Mumos home on boda boda's and went to his church. The service was amazing, great praise and worship. After church we went back to Mumo's where we gave his mom, Beatrice some quilts and a huge bag 90 kilograms of maize for a gift. ( they insist it is cold of the evenings yet we are still sweating)! Today we went to two different schools. The first was Kisayani, it was a school/home for the special needs. There were 36 kids there all very sweet! They enjoyed the supplies and LOVED the soccer ball. We then went to Kalulini where we handed out Jesus loves you bracelets and school supplies. There were 680 kids at that school it was crazy to see that many kids around us, all wanting to hold our hands and talk. We then went on a home visit to woman's house named Mary, she was infected with HIV. She gave birth to twins not knowing she had the disease, infecting one of the twins. We took her some cabbage, lentils, and rice, and of course a Bible.. The kids toys and suckers. All very grateful for our short visit. Today when we got back to the guest house we prepared a meal in the kitchen. We bought some fresh vegetables and chapati we made homemade salsa ( with cilantro) guacamole, and pasta! We ate ALOT! It seemed to taste like home!!! Burgwin and Mumo both enjoyed our cooking :) The days are so emotional with the needs of everyone you meet. I think mom would have brought home a little boy with down syndrome today if she could have. She cried before she left!! It was a very hard day for her. Tomorrow we are off to two more schools both very large. Pictures are posted on facebook, I could not get them uploaded to my blog, sorry. So why did I label this the dusty trail, well... I have come to be OK with dust on my feet, in my hair and most of all up my nose!! haha Love you all, continue to send your prayers our way!!! Loving every minute of it!

Riding the Boda Bodas. Yes, that's four people on one motorcycle :)
Mumo's family
Our first Sunday in Kibwezi. Come to find out it was this pastors first Sunday at this church too. (far left)
He had quite the surprise when half of his congregation was white!
This boys class mates called him "preacher". He really loved his Bible.
Mary's family...The little girl looking at the camera is the one with HIV
Our "home" cooked meal - buttered noodles, homemade salsa, and fresh cut pineapple.
Can you say YUMMY!!!!!
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