This is the family we stayed with.
On Tuesday we went back to the school and in the morning we all went to the preschoolers class we played at recess with them and then would help them in the class room. The class I helped in was learning how to write their abc's. So we went around and helped them do that. When we were done with that dad and I went and played P.E. with the older kids. I played volleyball and tried to play soccer but I fell a couple of times because my shoes were slick and my dress a bit long, so I ended up just taking my shoes off to play. Then we went back to the house for lunch. After lunch we took the toys we brought and the bracelets me and my friends made, down to the school. I gave the bracelets to the older kids and the toys to the younger kids. They all loved every thing! We played for long time with all the toys and had tons of fun! After awhile I heard someone playing the drums. It was the same boy again, and then more kids started coming and before I knew it they were having a little praise and worship going on. It was so fun, and they were all adorable. It was so neat and they did it without any teachers or anybody telling them to do it. After that we went back to the house and had dinner. We had the same thing for lunch and dinner, but I didn't mind it was all good to me. Later that night the little kids that stay at the house came back and me and one of the older girls I was staying with went and sang songs and danced with the little girls while the little boys stood outside the door and watched and laughed. It was a great day and tons of fun.
Wednesday(the day we left) there was some news that one of the teachers family had been in a crash on their way out to his graduation. His mom, dad, and one of his uncles died, one was in the hospital, but in bad shape. So in the morning all the teachers came to the office and we had a mini church service for him and his family. It was neat to see how caring these people were. They care more about one person than I have ever seen. They give so much more respect to others. After that dad and I went back to the preschoolers class and helped out some more. They also had a swing set frame but no swings. They did have some tires that the little boys would push around, so dad tied on two of those to the swing set and they loved that and played on those forever. Then it was time for lunch and we went back to the house and had lunch and said our good byes and headed back to Tenwek. It was a lot of fun and wished I could have stayed longer I will miss them all very much and will definitely be back next year on spring break
It was great that you and your Dad went. He was needed to make those tire swings. They will have hours and hours of fun on them. He also said that they needed school supplies like pencils. We will remember to send those next time.
ReplyDeleteI am an Alumni of mosop mission school. Then it was build of wood. But now it has grown thanks for your support in making all pupils happy.