Nancy with the blanket I made.

Ride to Bomet

Sharon, my friend leading me into the village.

My Tenwek Friends

Well yesterday was our last day :( Logan, dad, and I went to Bomet. Which is only a couple of minutes away from Tenwek. We rode in a matau which is crazy. It is a 5 seat car and they fit about 8-10 people in it. It was a little squished. We went to some stores around there and just looked. Dad got a backpack for $8 and then Logan got a book. Then we went to their grocery store, that and the matau were my favorite part. It was fun to see all the different brands. They also have Obama gum so we got us a pack of that. I got some tea leaves to make chai. Here they have chai around 5 times a day and they drink it boiling hot. Its really good a Nancy taught me how to make it.
Later that night we went down to Nancy's neighborhood (with Nancy that way she could translate) I gave the family's a blanket and we gave the kids suckers. They all loved the blankets and were so thankful. After we finished giving out the "7" blankets we had ( we had eight but didn't tell Nancy that, she is about 5 months pregnant ) we went to Nancy's house and talked for a while and surprised her with her blanket. She LOVED it! She is so sweet and I will really miss her. While leaving her house all the kids that I have been playing with the past couple of weeks were outside and we got a ton of pictures with them and they even tried taking pictures with my camera. I will really miss everybody! I can't wait to come back. Everybody here is so nice. I am very sad to be leaving, but I will be happy to be home. I am so glad I came. I have learned a lot about the people in this small village as well as alot about myself. The one thing I know for sure is I am going home a different girl, a humbled girl, with a bigger heart for the Lord. I am so glad the Lord brought this opportunity to me. I am very blessed to have such great friends and family who helped me and supported me through out the the whole process and while I was here. I love you all very much, and thank you! Now I have to go we are leaving for Nairobi thanks again, bye.
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